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Custom designed Cabinets, all tailored to suit your style and budget.

We at CJC Kitchens are renowned for our excellence in customer service and satisfaction. We specialise in practical, stylish kitchens that compliment any lifestyle.

Whether you favour a sleek minimalist look, something romantically traditional or if you long for the unique, we’ll help you create it.

If you’re on a small budget but still want that new look why not try our Kitchen Makeovers.

Our stunning range of kitchen designs are fully customisable, and you can be sure that every element in your new kitchen will come together to bring elegance and efficiency to the most important space in your home.

Expensive Looking kitchen, Inexpensive Price Tag

Leave the hard work of renovating your kitchen to us. We will guide you through the steps of designing your new kitchen with as little inconvenience as possible. We co-ordinate the best trades to ensure a smooth process to complete your kitchen.

Best of all, CJC Kitchens offers that personal touch. Craig will see the project through from design, to manufacture and lastly installation. You will be comfortable in knowing that any time you need advice, he’ll know exactly who you are and all about your specific kitchen.

Got an Existing Design?

We will quote on existing designs, just email your plan to us or request a quote.

Building Your Dream Kitchen

We offer superior quality and service from design to installation with smooth and efficient project co-ordination.

Doors & Panels

Benchtop Finishes


Kitchen Care