Use cutting boards to avoid knife damage and under such as electric jugs to avoid extremes of heat.
To maintain the prestigious look of your new laminate or vinyl kitchen, wipe down daily with warm soapy water, followed by a fresh water rinse and wipe over with a dry cloth.
Normal household chemical cleaners are acceptable for stubborn marks. These cleaners do leave a residue that, if left, can permanently alter the appearance of the finish, so always rinse the cleaners off thoroughly.
Customary maintenance of a timber kitchen requires the surface to be wiped with a damp cloth, the use of cleaning products is appropriate.
Residues build up needs to be removed with clean damp cloth.
Abrasive cleaners used on a regular basis may affect gloss level and leave patches.
Avoid products which contain silicon compounds such as Mr Sheen as silicone can imbed itself in the structure of the coating.
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